Reporting API Methods
This page specifies all the available methods.
The Reporting API is not versioned. New methods and additional fields might be added over time. However, method and fields will normally not be removed or modified.
Be aware that we will be blocking HTTP GET usage of the Reporting API shortly due to security concerns. Please use the HTTP POST option.
https://app[x][account name]/service.asmx
- GetAllocationsRaw - Gets a list of allocations
- GetBarriersShortlist - Gets a list of barriers
- GetContactsRaw - Gets a list of contacts
- GetContactsShortList - Gets a list of contacts with key information only
- GetContractCustomersRaw - Gets a list of contract customers
- GetContractPaymentsRaw - Gets a list of contract payments
- GetContractsRaw - Gets a list of contracts
- GetCountriesShortList - Gets a list of countries
- GetCustomerCommentsRaw - Gets a list of comments associated to a particular customer
- GetCustomersRaw - Gets a list of customers
- GetCustomersShortList - Gets a list of customers with key information only
- GetCustomerStatusShortList - Gets a list of customer statuses
- GetDepartmentsShortList - Gets a list of departments
- GetEmployeeManagerHistoriesRaw - Get a list of employee manager histories
- GetEmployeeNormalWorkingHoursRaw - Gets a list of employee normal working hours
- GetEmployeeNormalWorkingTimeHistoriesRaw - Get a list of employee normal working time histories
- GetEmployeesRaw - Gets a list of employees
- GetEmployeesShortList - Gets a list of employees with key information only
- GetEventsRaw - Gets a list of events
- GetEventTypesShortlist - Gets a list of eventTypes
- GetExpensesRaw - Gets a list of expenses
- GetFlexTimeRaw - Gets a list of flex registrations and flex adjustments. Kept for legacy purposes, use GetSalaryAccountEmployeePostingsRaw instead
- GetGroupsRaw - Get a list of groups and values associated with them
- GetGroupUnitsRaw - Get a list of group units
- GetHardBookingsRaw - Get a list of hardbookings
- GetHourlyRatesRaw - Get a list of hourly rates
- GetIndustriesShortList - Gets a list of industries
- GetInvoiceLineDetailsRaw - Gets a list of invoice line details
- GetInvoiceLinesRaw - Gets a list of invoice lines
- GetInvoicesRaw - Gets a list of invoices
- GetLegalEntitiesRaw - Get a list of price groups
- GetMileageRaw - Gets a list of mileage
- GetMilestonesRaw - Gets a list of milestones
- GetMilestoneTypesRaw - Gets a list of milestoneTypes
- GetOpportunitiesRaw - Gets a list of opportunities
- GetOpportunityStatusShortlist - Gets a list of opportunity status
- GetOpportunityTypesShortlist - Gets a list of opportunityTypes
- GetPriceGroupsRaw - Get a list of price groups
- GetProjectCategoriesShortList - Gets a list of project categories
- GetProjectsRaw - Gets a list of projects
- GetProjectsShortList - Gets a list of projects with key information only
- GetProjectTypesShortList - Gets a list of project types
- GetSalaryAccountEmployeePostingsRaw - Get a list of salary account employee postings
- GetSalaryAccountsRaw - Get a list of salary accounts
- GetSalesSplitsRaw - Get a list of sales splits
- GetSubOpportunitiesRaw - Gets a list of sub-opportinities
- GetSupportCaseRaw - Gets a list of support cases
- GetSupportContractRaw - Gets a list of support contracts
- GetSupportJournalRaw - Gets a list of support journals
- GetSupportTypesShortList - Gets a list of support types with key information only
- GetTasksRaw - Gets a list of tasks
- GetTasksShortList - Gets a list of tasks with key information only
- GetTaskTypesShortList - Gets a list of task types
- GetTimeOffRegistrationsRaw - Gets a list of time off registrations. Work units related to salary codes.
- GetWorkingHoursRaw - Gets a list of working hours
- GetWorkUnitsRaw - Gets a list of work units.
- GetWorkUnitsRawPaged - Gets a list of work units with support for pagination.
- ValidateCredentials - Validates a credentials set
Data currently not available
Unless mentioned in the list above, other data types are currently not available in the reporting API. We do receive questions about other data types, and those will naturally be on our radar for future development. Specifically, we are aware of the request for the following data objects:
- Approval flow data (incl. weekly time sheet statuses)
- Contract payments
- Salary codes
- Absence codes
- Expense attachments