Björn Lundén


The integration between TimeLog and Björn Lundén consists of partial integrations that provide seamless cooperation between the two systems. The integration consists of the following features:

  • Two-way synchronization of customers
  • Automatic transfer of customers from TimeLog to Björn Lundén
  • Automatic update of customer information in Björn Lundén
  • Import of product numbers from Björn Lundén into TimeLog
  • Transfer of booked invoices from TimeLog to Björn Lundén
  • Automatic update of Björn Lundén Invoice status, invoice no. and invoice amount in TimeLog
  • Import of Björn Lundén expenses
  • Transfer of TimeLog project number


This section includes a list of features and limitations to each transfer area of the integration.


TimeLog does not create currencies in Björn Lundén. All currencies used on TimeLog invoices need to be added in the Björn Lundén installation.

The currency exchange rate is handled by Björn Lundén.


Customers are linked when configuring the integration. New customers in TimeLog are transferred and created in Björn Lundén when transferring the first invoice to the new customer. Added customers in Björn Lundén is to be imported into TimeLog.

The preferred functionality is setup in the integration.

Contact persons

Contact persons on the TimeLog invoice is transferred to the Björn Lundén invoice.

Product numbers

Product numbers are imported from Björn Lundén in the integration configuration. Product numbers in Björn Lundén cannot be added, modified or deleted from TimeLog.


Contact employees on the TimeLog invoice is transferred to the Björn Lundén invoice.


Only booked invoices can be transferred from TimeLog to Björn Lundén. Invoices are transferred as drafts and changes on the invoice drafts inside Björn Lundén will not be reflected in TimeLog.

Invoice lines

Invoice lines are transferred along with the invoice and invoice lines can be modified in Björn Lundén. Changes will not be reflected in TimeLog.

Each transferred invoice line incl. product number, invoice line description, number of units and price per unit. Calculations are handled by Björn Lundén. Unit type is not transferred and is to be setup on the product number in Björn Lundén.

Björn Lundén can receive TimeLog header lines, empty invoice lines and text lines.

Expense import

TimeLog can import expenses from selected accounts from Björn Lundén. TimeLog will match the account number to the TimeLog expense types if the expense types have a Björn Lundén account number added. If the TimeLog project number is added to the Björn Lundén expense is this used to map the project in TimeLog.


TimeLog can transfer the project number and name to Björn Lundén and accept product numbers consisting of letters, numbers and special characters (e.g. P19.0007).

Project tasks

TimeLog project tasks are not transferred.


Allocated employees on tasks are not transferred.


Employee time tracking, mileage and allowance is not transferred


This section of the integration documentation include information about which TimeLog fields are transferred to which field in Björn Lundén.

Kunder (Customers)

Customer information is handled when setting up the integration and/or when new customers are created in TimeLog.

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Företagsnamn (Company name) Namn Max 40 characters
Kundnr. (Customer no) Id Max 9 characters
Kundansvarig (Owner) - Not supported
Telefon (Phone) Telefon Max 20 characters
Fax (Fax) Fax Max 20 characters
E-post (Email) E-post Max 80 characters
Webbplats (Website) Hemsida Max 80 characters
Adress (Address) Postadress Max 40 characters
Adress 2 (Address 2) - Not supported
Adress 3 (Address 3) - Not supported
Postnummer (Postal code) PostNr Max 10 characters
Ort (City) Ort Max 40 characters
Delstat (State) - Not supported
Land (Country) Land -
Momsregistreringsnr (VAT no.) VAT-nr Max 20 characters
Organisation nr. Org. nr Max 25 characters
Postgiro/Bankgiro (Giro number). - Not supported
Valuta (Currency) Valuta -
EAN nr. - Not supported

Kontaktperson (Contact persons)

Contact persons are added as our reference on the invoice.

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Förnamn (First name) Namn First name and last name is merged
Efternamn (Last name) Namn First name and last name is merged
Telefon (Phone) - Björn Lundén does not have this field on the invoice
E-post (Email) - Björn Lundén does not have this field on the invoice
Min kommentar (your comment) - Björn Lundén does not have this field on the invoice

Artikelnummer (Product numbers)

Product numbers are imported when setting up the integration.

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Artikelnummer (Product no..) Artikel Id -
Namn (Name) Artikel -
Namn (Name) Artikel Is not visible on TimeLog platform

Medarbetare (Employees)

TimeLog employees is added as internal reference on the invoice.

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Förnamn (first name) Er reference : namn First name and last name is merged
Efternamn (Last name) Er reference : namn First name and last name is merged

Faktura (Invoice)

Invoice information that is transferred to Björn Lundén.

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Fakturanr. (Invoice no.) - Not supported
Kundnr. (Customer no.) - Not supported
Kontaktperson (Contact) - Contacts are not supported in Björn Lundén, please refere to "internal - and our refernece".
Fakturaadress, kundadress (Customer address) Kund -
Fakturaadress, kontaktperson (Invoice address, contact person) - Not supported
Fakturadatum (Invoice date) Fakturadatum -
Upprättat, (Created) - Not supported
Uppdaterat (Updated) - Not supported
Avdeling (Department) - Not supported
Projekt (Project name) - Not supported
Projektnummer. (Project no.) - Not supported
Rekvisionsnr. (P.O. no.) Ert ordernummer Max 40 characters is shown internally in the system.
Kundens referens. (Customer ’s Ref.) Vår referens Max 40 characters where 37 of them is visible on a physicial invoice. Rest is stored internally in the system.
Intern referens (Internal reference) Er referens Max 40 characters where 39 of them is visible on a physicial invoice. Rest is stored internally in the system.
EAN/GLN - Not supported
Fakturaadress: (address 1) Fakturaadress Max 40 characters where 24 of them is visible on a physicial invoice. Rest is stored internally in the system.
Fakturaadress: (address 2) Fakturaadress Is stored internally in the system.
Fakturaadress: (address 3) Fakturaadress Is stored internally in the system.
By (City) Ort Max 40 characters where 26 of them is visible on a physicial invoice. Rest is stored internally in the system.
Postnr. (Postal code) Postnr. Max 10 characters where 7 of them is visible on a physicial invoice. Rest is stored internally in the system.
Land (Country) - Not supported
Overskrift (Heading) Ordertext -
Besked (Message) Ordertext -
Betalingsbetingelser (Payment terms) Bet. Villkor -
Betalingsfrist (Due date) Förfallodatum -
Valuta (Currency) Redovisning/Valuta -
Moms % (Default VAT %) Momsfritt Is handled by Björn Lundén

Fakturarad (Invoice line)

Invoice line information that is transferred to Björn Lundén.

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Artikelnr. (Product no.) Artikelnr -
Beskrivelse (Description) Benämning Max 80 characters where 38 of them is visible on a physicial invoice. Rest is stored internally in the system.
Antal (Quantity) Best.antal -
Enhed (Unit) Enhet Is specified at creating of product numbers in Björn Lundén.
Sats (Rate) Apris Max 15 characters where 7 of them is visible on a physicial invoice. Rest is stored internally in the system.
% (%) Rabat -
Moms (VAT %) - This field is set depending on which customers is the invoice being transferred to.
Beløb (Amount) Total -

Import av projektkostnader (Import of project expenses)

Import of project expenses from Björn Lundén.

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Dato (Date) Fakturadatum -
Utgiftsnr. (Expense no.) Utgiftsnr Expense number in Björn Lundén
Leverannnnnnntör (Supplier) Utgiftsnr Is matched if supplier no. is found in TimeLog
Meddelande (Comment) Kommentar -
Fakturanr. (Invoice no.) Fakturanummer -
Valuta (Currency) Valuta -
Valutakurs (Exchange rate) Kurs -
Beløb inkl. moms (Amount incl. VAT) Debet Expenses are imported without VAT
Moms (VAT) Momskod Expenses are imported without VAT
Uttgiftstyp (Expense type) Konto TimeLog expense type name if matched with Björn Lundén account no.
Projekt (Project) Projekt Is imported if selected on the Björn Lundén expense

Projekt (Project)

Export of TimeLog project

TimeLog Björn Lundén Kommentar
Projektnummer (Project no.) Id May consist of letters and numbers
Namn (Name) Namn -
startdatum (Start date) Start och slut -
Slutdatum (Slut date) Start och slut -
Beskrivning (Description) Anmärkning -
Projektledare (Project manager) Ansvarig -
Projektstatus (Project status) Status -