Service Details for ProjectHeader.
Service for handling project header in TimeLog.
- GET /SearchForExpenseTravelRegistrationByCustomerIDOrderByRecentRegistration - Search for project that the user can register expense or travel on, that belongs to a customer (Result is ordered by recent registration)
- GET /SearchForExpenseTravelRegistrationOrderByRecentRegistration - Search for project that the user can register expense or travel on, with the project information
- GET /SearchForTimeTracking - Search for project that the user can register time on, with the project information
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingByCustomerID - Search for project that the user can register time on, that belongs to a customer
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingByCustomerIDOrderByRecentRegistration - Search for project that the user can register time on, that belongs to a customer (Result is ordered by recent registration)
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingOrderByRecentRegistration - Search for project that the user can register time on (Result is ordered by recent registration)
- POST /Create - Create a new mileage registration for the project
- POST /CreateEmployeeExpense - Creates the employee expense.