GET Method Details for SearchForTimeTrackingOrderByRecentRegistration.
Search for project that the user can register time on (Result is ordered by recent registration)
https://app[x][account name]/api/v{version}/project-header/search-for-time-tracking-order-by-recent-registration
- searchText string Project name or project number
- searchAll boolean if set to true [search all].
- version string The requested API version
[200] A list of project header
- Customer object Gets or sets the customer.
- CustomerID integer Gets or sets the customer identifier.
- ExpenseIsBillable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether [expense is billable].
- ID string Gets or sets the identifier.
- MainContractId integer Gets or sets the main contract Id.
- Name string Gets or sets the name.
- No string Gets or sets the no.
- ProjectID integer Gets or sets the project identifier.
- [401] Invalid authentication token
[500] Request to SearchForTimeTrackingOrderByRecentRegistration has failed
- Code integer Gets the code.
- Details array Gets the details.
- DeveloperNote object
- Message string Gets the message.
- Parameters string Gets the parameters.
- Url string Gets the URL.