Microsoft Dynamics NAV


The Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation of the TimeLog generic financial integration supports the full set of features for a complete integration with TimeLog. The NAV integration supports the following features of the generic financial integration:

Invoicing version:

  • Two-way synchronization of customers
  • Import of product numbers from NAV to TimeLog
  • Transfer of booked invoices from TimeLog to NAV
  • Automatic tracking of NAV invoice number and status from TimeLog
  • TimeLog Audit interface matching the individual invoice totals from NAV and TimeLog
  • Import expenses from NAV to TimeLog
  • Export of TimeLog project number to NAV

Quick intro

Install and configuration


This section includes a list of features and limitations to each transfer area of the integration.


TimeLog support transfer of dimensions of the invoice to Global Dimension 1 and 2 in NAV.
Dimensions can be specified for both invoice header and invoice lines. If nothing is specified for the lines they will inherit from the header.
Following dimension can be transferred to NAV:

  • - Project number
  • - Invoice Department Number
  • - Invoice Department Name
  • - Employee Department Number (only transferred on invoice line level)


TimeLog does not create the currency in NAV if it does not exist. Therefore, make sure that all the currencies used in TimeLog are created in NAV.


In the integration setup is it possible to control which system that is the master for new customers and how they are synchronized between TimeLog and NAV


In the integration settings inside NAV, you find the checkbox for turning on/off extended contact handling ("Brug udvidet kontakt mgr").

  • If it is turned on, the integration uses the NAV contact relationship ("kontakt relationsstyring"). One-to-many relation.
  • If it is turned off, the integration uses the field "kontakt" on the debtor view. One-to-one relation.

Without contact relationship

When a contact is created or updated in TimeLog and transferred to NAV, is the field "kontakt" on the debtor updated with the latest transfer. Any previous transfers are overwritten. When updating the field "kontakt" in NAV, will this NOT create a new contact in TimeLog.

Product numbers

Product numbers in NAV cannot be added/modified/deleted from TimeLog. TimeLog can import NAV product numbers.


If employees are pushed from TimeLog to NAV, then an employee template is used to map fields that does not exist in TimeLog. The template can be chosen in the NAV-TimeLog settings dialog. Employees cannot be transferred from NAV to TimeLog.

If automatic transfer of employees is turned off, they have to be created manually in "Personale" > "Medarbejdere" using the exact same initials in the "Nummer"-field.


Only booked invoices can be transferred from TimeLog to NAV. Invoices are transferred as drafts. Changes in invoice drafts inside NAV will not be reflected in TimeLog.

Invoice lines

The TimeLog field "Unit of meassure" is NOT transferred to NAV on invoice lines. In NAV, the field "Enhedskoden" defaults to the one specified in the item setup ("Vareopsætningen").


Expenses can only be transferred from NAV to TimeLog. TimeLog notifies NAV if an expense is taken or deleted from the import pool.


Optional transfer of project number to either NAV global dimension 1 or 2 is possible


Tasks can only be transferred from NAV to TimeLog. If tasks are deleted or moved in NAV then this will not be reflected in TimeLog.


Allocations can only be transferred from NAV to TimeLog.


Time tracking in TimeLog is not transferred to NAV


This section contains the explicit mapping of fields between TimeLog and NAV.


Field name Technical name
TimeLog NAV TimeLog NAV Remarks
Company name Name Name Name
Customer No. Customer No. CustomerNo No
Phone Phone Phone PhoneNumber
Fax Fax Fax Fax
VAT no VAT no. VatNo VATNo
Organisation no. Registration no. OrganizationNo RegistrationNo Only available on Swedish NAV at the moment
Address Address Address.Address Address
Address 2 Address 2 Address.Address2 Address2
Address 3 - Address.Address3 Is not transferred
City City Address.City City
State Territory Address.State Territory
Country Country Address.CountryISO Country
Postal code Postcode Address.ZipCode Postcode
Website Homepage Website Homepage
E-mail E-mail Email Email
Currency Currency Currency CurrencyCode
Owner SalesPerson KeyAccountManagerInitials SalesPerson Is not transferred on customer

Contact persons

Contact persons at the TimeLog customer is only transferred together with the invoice

Product numbers

Field name Technical name
TimeLog NAV TimeLog NAV Remarks
No. No. ProductNo No
Name Description Name Description
Description Description 2 Description Description2


TimeLog employees is only transferred together with the invoice if listed as internal reference on the invoice


Field name Technical name
TimeLog NAV TimeLog NAV Remarks
Customer No. Sell-to Customer No. CustomerKey Sell-to Customer No.
Contact No. Bill-to/Sell-to Contact ContactKey Bill-to/Sell-to Contact
Currency CurrencyCode CurrencyISO CurrencyCode Abbreviation of the currency from the invoice in TimeLog
Invoice Date Document Date InvoiceDate DocumentDate
Customers Reference / Invoice Address:(AttContactFullName) Your Reference CustomersReference / FixedAttContactFullName YourReference If customer Reference is null or empty FixedAttContactFullName is used and is truncated to 30 characters in NAV.
Default discount %: Invoice Disc. Code DefaultDiscount InvoiceDiscCode
Prices Including VAT PricesIncludingVAT Is always set to false
Due Date DueDate Due Date DueDate
EAN EAN EAN EAN A specified EAN no. can be put in "Requisition no." on invoice. The number must start with "EAN" to be taken in consideration. If none in "Requisition no." invoice EAN will be used. Both are truncated to 13 characters.
Requisition No External Document Number RequisitionNo ExternalDocumentNumber Id truncated to 35 characters
Invoice No No InvoiceNo No
Invoice address: (Customer name) Sell-To Customer Name FixedCustomerName SellToCustomerName
Invoice address: (Att Contact Fullname) Bill-to/Sell-to Contact FixedAttContactFullName Bill-to/Sell-to Contact
Invoice Date PostingDate InvoiceDate PostingDate
Invoice Date OrderDate InvoiceDate OrderDate
Heading Posting Description Header PostingDescription Is truncated to 50 characters in NAV. Setup a warning in TimeLog
Message In not transferred
P.O. No Quote No RequisitionNo QuoteNo Is truncated to 20 characters
VAT % Is not transferred. Is a default setup in the integration page
Internal Reference Initials Sales Person Code InternalReferenceInitials SalesPersonCode
Invoice address: (Country Code(ISO)) Bill-to/Sell-to Country Code FixedCountryISO Bill-to/Sell-to CountryCode
Invoice address: (address 1) Bill-to/Sell-to address FixedAddress1 Bill-to/Sell-to address Is truncated to 50 characters
Invoice address: (address 2) Bill-to/Sell-to address 2 FixedAddress2 Bill-to/Sell-to address 2 Is truncated to 50 characters in NAV
Invoice address: (Zip code) Bill-to/Sell-to PostCode FixedZipCode Bill-to/Sell-to PostCode

Invoice lines

Field name Technical name
TimeLog NAV TimeLog NAV Remarks
Product no. Product no. ProductNo Product
Description Description Description
Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity
Unit Unit - InvoiceUnitType If not set, is pieces used as default.
Rate Price Rate UnitPrice
% Discount (%) Discount -


Field name Technical name
TimeLog NAV TimeLog NAV Remarks
Currency Currency CurrencyISO CurrencyCode The currencyISO in TimeLog is fetched from the TimeLog currency, based on the currency abbreviation on the purchase from NAV
- - CurrencyRate CurrencyRate The CurrencyRate in TimeLog is fetched from the TimeLog currency, based on the currency abbreviation on the purchase from NAV
DisbursementNo -
Payment method PaymentMethod - Default payment method for import is setup in TimeLog
Date Date PurchaseDate DocumentDate
Amount incl. VAT Amount (Curr) CostCurrencyIncludingVAT Amount
Comment Comment entry.Account.AccountNumber