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Service Details for ProjectManagementService.

Version 1.8

Service for handling projects and time registrations in TimeLog (released June 2022) Includes changes for how project exchange rate is managed with new Currency Matrix model.


https://app[x][account name]/WebServices/ProjectManagement/V1_8/ProjectManagementServiceSecure.svc


  • AddEmployeeToTask - Adds an employe to a task. This enables the employee to track time on the task.
  • ChangeAllocationsHourlyRate - Recalculates the financial values of the registrations belonging to an allocation, given a start date
  • ChangeTaskContract - Changes the contract associated with a task.
  • ChangeTaskStatus - Changes the Status of the specified Task
  • CreateAllocation - Creates an allocation for an employee on a task. Use this method to control hourly rate and dates on the allocation Dates is only set when Dates on Allocations are activated in the system Set HourlyRateID = 0 to use the system alogorithm to find the correct hourly rate for the employee
  • CreateAllocations - Inserts allocations for an employee to a task
  • CreateProject - Create a Project.
  • CreateProjectFromTemplate - Create a project from a project template from customer name
  • CreateProjectFromTemplate - Create a project from a project template from customer id
  • CreateSubTask - Creates a Task as a Sub-task to an existing Task. The new Task is placed as the last Sub-task in the WBS-structure of the Parent-task
  • CreateTask - Creates a Task on the specified Project. The Task is placed as the last item in the WBS-structure of the Project
  • DeleteAllocation - Deletes an allocation
  • DeleteProject - Deletes the specified Project
  • DeleteTask - Deletes the specified Task
  • DeleteWork - Deletes one or more registrations based on initials and task ID
  • GetAllocationByExternalKey - Gets an Allocation by an External-Key
  • GetAllocationsToEmployee - Gets a list of allocations for an employee
  • GetEmployeeWork - Gets a list of employee registrations within a given timespan
  • GetProjectByExternalKey - Gets a project based on another systems project key (ID)
  • GetProjectByID - Gets a project based on the project ID
  • GetProjects - Returns a list of project headers.
  • GetProjectsByCustomer - Returns a list of project headers.
  • GetProjectTasksPaged - Gets a paged list of tasks in a flat format including all details.
  • GetTaskByExternalKey - Gets a Task by an External-key
  • GetTaskById - Gets a task based on the guid
  • GetTaskByID - Gets a task based on the task ID
  • GetTaskByTaskNo - Gets a list of tasks based on the task number
  • GetTasksAllocatedToEmployee - Gets a list of tasks allocated to a specific employee
  • GetTasksByProjectId - Gets a list of tasks associated to a project. Only first level tasks are returned, use GetProjectTasksPaged to get all levels.
  • GetTasksBySearchText - Gets a list of tasks based on the search criteria
  • GetTasksBySearchTextWithoutFinancial - Gets a list of tasks based on the search criteria- without financial data
  • GetWorkChangeLogPaged - Gets a paged list of change logs related to work unit changes in a flat format including all details (if available). Note that this feed includes all changes and the change log is only available for the last 3 months.
  • GetWorkChangesPaged - Gets a paged list of work unit changes in a flat format including all details. Note that this feed includes all changes and the change log is only available for the last 3 months. No log data is available before January 1st 2014.
  • GetWorkPaged - Gets a paged list of work units in a flat format including all details.
  • GetWorkPagedWithExternalIds - Gets a paged list of work units in a flat format including all details and external IDs.
  • InsertWork - Inserts one or more registrations based on initials and task ID
  • MoveTaskUnderParentTask - Move task to another task
  • ProjectChangeStatus - Changes the Status of the specified Project
  • SetAllocationStatus - Sets an allocation to completed or not completed
  • UpdateAllocation - Updates hours allocated, hourly rate, start and end date on the allocation Set HourlyRateID to 0 if you do not want to change the hourly rate of the allocation To change status on the allocation use the ChangeStatusOnAllocation method Changes to taskID and EmployeeID will not be propagated to the application
  • UpdateProject - Update a Project
  • UpdateTask - Updates the data properties of the specified Task.
  • UpdateWork - Updates one or more registrations based on initials and task ID