Service Details for Task.
Service for handling task in TimeLog.
- GET /GetAllByProjectID - Get a list of all tasks by project identifier, that belongs to a project
- GET /GetByID - Get a task with the task identifier
- GET /GetRecentlyRegistered - Get a list of task that the user has registered time on
- GET /GetTravelTimeTaskForTimeTrackingByProjectID - Get a list of all travel time tasks by project identifier, that belongs to a project
- GET /SearchByCustomer - Search for task that the user can register time on, that belongs to the customer
- GET /SearchByProject - Search for task that the user can register time on, that belongs to a project
- GET /SearchForTimeTracking - Search for task that the user can register time on, with the task information
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingByCustomerID - Search for task that the user can register time on, that belongs to a customer
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingByCustomerIDOrderByRecentRegistration - Search for task that the user can register time on, that belongs to a customer (Result is ordered by recent registration)
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingByProjectID - Search for task that the user can register time on, that belongs to a project
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingByProjectIDOrderByRecentRegistration - Search for task that the user can register time on, that belongs to a project (Result is ordered by recent registration)
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingByProjectIdOrderByTravelTimeTask - Search for task that the user can register time on, that belongs to a project (Result is ordered by travel time task)
- GET /SearchForTimeTrackingOrderByRecentRegistration - Search for task that the user can register time on, with the task information (Result is ordered by recent registration)
- POST /CreateRegistration - Create registration with task and hour
- POST /CreateSubTask - Create sub task on an existing task of a specified project
- POST /CreateTask - Create task on a specified project
- POST /ValidateNewTask - Validate if a new task can be created