GET Method Details for GetByID.
Get a user with the user identifier
https://app[x][account name]/api/v{version}/user/{id}
- id integer User identifier
- version string The requested API version
[200] A user
- FirstName string Gets or sets the first name.
- ID string Gets or sets the identifier.
- Initials string Gets or sets the initials.
- IsActive boolean Gets or sets if the user is active.
- LastName string Gets or sets the last name.
- LegalEntityID integer Gets or sets legal entity id.
- UserID integer Gets or sets the user identifier.
- UserType string Gets or sets the user type.
- [401] Invalid authentication token
[500] No user matching the identifier was found
- Code integer Gets the code.
- Details array Gets the details.
- DeveloperNote object
- Message string Gets the message.
- Parameters string Gets the parameters.
- Url string Gets the URL.