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POST Method Details for Create.

Create new user


https://app[x][account name]/api/v{version}/user/create


  • user object Create user information
    • AllowanceLegislationID integer Gets or sets the allowance legislation id.
    • ApprovalManagerID integer Gets or sets the approval manager id.
    • CostPriceID integer Gets or sets the cost price id.
    • DepartmentID integer Gets or sets the department id.
    • Email string Gets or sets the email.
    • EmployeeNo string Gets or sets the employee number.
    • EmployeeTypeID integer Gets or sets the employee type id.
    • EmploymentDate string Gets or sets the employment date.
    • FirstName string Gets or sets the first name.
    • Initials string Gets or sets the initials.
    • LastName string Gets or sets the last name.
    • LegalEntityID integer Gets or sets the legal entity id.
    • NormalWorkingTimeID integer Gets or sets the normal working time id.
    • PublicHolidayCalendarID integer Gets or sets the public holiday calendar id.
    • SalaryGroupID integer Gets or sets the salary group id.
    • StandardHourlyRateID integer Gets or sets the standard hourly rate id.
    • Title string Gets or sets the title.
    • UserName string Gets or sets the Username
    • UserRoleIDs array Gets or sets the active roles on the user.
      "AllowanceLegislationID": 0,
      "ApprovalManagerID": 0,
      "CostPriceID": 0,
      "DepartmentID": 0,
      "Email": "",
      "EmployeeNo": "",
      "EmployeeTypeID": 0,
      "EmploymentDate": "2025-02-23T00:00:00+00:00",
      "FirstName": "",
      "Initials": "",
      "LastName": "",
      "LegalEntityID": 0,
      "NormalWorkingTimeID": 0,
      "PublicHolidayCalendarID": 0,
      "SalaryGroupID": 0,
      "StandardHourlyRateID": 0,
      "Title": "",
      "UserName": "",
      "UserRoleIDs": ""
  • version string The requested API version


  • [200] OK
    • AllowanceLegislationID integer Gets or sets the allowance legislation id.
    • ApprovalManagerID integer Gets or sets the approval manager id.
    • CostPriceID integer Gets or sets the cost price id.
    • DepartmentID integer Gets or sets the department id.
    • Email string Gets or sets the email.
    • EmployeeNo string Gets or sets the employee number.
    • EmployeeTypeID integer Gets or sets the employee type id.
    • EmploymentDate string Gets or sets the employment date.
    • FirstName string Gets or sets the first name.
    • Initials string Gets or sets the initials.
    • LastName string Gets or sets the last name.
    • LegalEntityID integer Gets or sets the legal entity id.
    • NormalWorkingTimeID integer Gets or sets the normal working time id.
    • PublicHolidayCalendarID integer Gets or sets the public holiday calendar id.
    • SalaryGroupID integer Gets or sets the salary group id.
    • StandardHourlyRateID integer Gets or sets the standard hourly rate id.
    • Title string Gets or sets the title.
    • UserName string Gets or sets the Username
    • UserRoleIDs array Gets or sets the active roles on the user.
      "AllowanceLegislationID": 0,
      "ApprovalManagerID": 0,
      "CostPriceID": 0,
      "DepartmentID": 0,
      "Email": "",
      "EmployeeNo": "",
      "EmployeeTypeID": 0,
      "EmploymentDate": "2025-02-23T00:00:00+00:00",
      "FirstName": "",
      "Initials": "",
      "LastName": "",
      "LegalEntityID": 0,
      "NormalWorkingTimeID": 0,
      "PublicHolidayCalendarID": 0,
      "SalaryGroupID": 0,
      "StandardHourlyRateID": 0,
      "Title": "",
      "UserName": "",
      "UserRoleIDs": ""
  • [401] Invalid authentication token
  • [500] User could not be created
    • Code integer Gets the code.
    • Details array Gets the details.
    • DeveloperNote object
    • Message string Gets the message.
    • Parameters string Gets the parameters.
    • Url string Gets the URL.
      "Code": 0,
      "Details": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Parameters": "",
      "Url": ""