GET Method Details for GetByDate.
Get a list of time tracking item by the given period
https://app[x][account name]/api/v{version}/time-tracking-item/get-by-date
- startDate string Start of the period
- endDate string End of the period
- version string The requested API version
[200] A list of time tracking item
- AbsenceCode string Gets or sets the absence code.
- AbsenceCodeID integer Gets or sets the absence code identifier.
- AbsenceIsActive boolean Gets or sets the absence is active.
- AbsenceName string Gets or sets the name of the absence.
- AdditionalTextField string Gets or sets the additional text field.
- AdditionalTextIsRequired boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether [additional text is required].
- AllocatedHour integer Gets or sets the allocated hour.
- BillableHours number Gets or sets the billable hours.
- BillableMinutes integer Gets or sets the billable minutes.
- Comment string Gets or sets the comment.
- Created string Gets or sets the created.
- CreatedBy integer Gets or sets the created by.
- CustomerID integer Gets or sets the customer identifier.
- CustomerName string Gets or sets the name of the customer.
- CustomerNo string Gets or sets the customer no.
- Date string Gets or sets the date.
- DefaultBillable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether [default billable].
- EndTime string The point in time when time tracking ended.
- EntityID integer Gets or sets the entity identifier.
- EntityType integer Gets or sets the type of the entity.
- Hours number Gets or sets the hours.
- InvoiceStatus boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether [invoice status].
- IsBillable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is billable.
- IsETCProject boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is etc project.
- IsFavourite boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is favourite.
- IsFixedPrice boolean Gets or sets the is fixed price.
- IsTimestampOverlapping boolean A value indicates whether this timestamp overlaps with another
- LastModified string Gets or sets the last modified.
- LastModifiedBy integer Gets or sets the last modified by.
- Minutes integer Gets or sets the minutes.
- MonthlyPeriod string Gets or sets the MonthlyPeriod
- ProjectID integer Gets or sets the project identifier.
- ProjectName string Gets or sets the name of the project.
- ProjectNo string Gets or sets the project no.
- ShowBillable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show billable].
- StartTime string The point in time when time tracking started.
- Status boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this {TimeLog.TLP.Web.WebApi.V1.Registration.Models.TimeTrackingItem.TimeTrackingItemApiReadModel} is status.
- TaskFullName string Gets or sets the full name of the task.
- TaskID integer Gets or sets the task identifier.
- TaskIsActive boolean Gets or sets the task is active.
- TaskName string Gets or sets the name of the task.
- TaskNo string Gets or sets the task no.
- TimeRegistrationApprovalStatus integer Gets or sets a value indicating whether [time registration approval status].
- TimeRegistrationID integer Gets or sets the time registration identifier.
- TimeTrackingFormat integer Gets or sets the time tracking format.
- UserID integer Gets or sets the user identifier.
- [401] Invalid authentication token
[500] Request to GetByDate has failed
- Code integer Gets the code.
- Details array Gets the details.
- DeveloperNote object
- Message string Gets the message.
- Parameters string Gets the parameters.
- Url string Gets the URL.