Back to Time Registration

POST Method Details for Create.

Create time registration.


https://app[x][account name]/api/v{version}/time-registration


  • timeRegistrationApiCreateModel object The time registration API create model.
    • AdditionalComment string Gets or sets the additional comment.
    • Billable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this {TimeLog.TLP.Web.WebApi.V1.TimeRegistration.Models.TimeRegistration.TimeRegistrationApiCreateModel} is billable.
    • BillableHours number Gets or sets the billable hours.
    • BillableMinutes integer Gets or sets the billable minutes.
    • Comment string Gets or sets the comment.
    • Date string Gets or sets the date.
    • EntityID integer Gets or sets the entity identifier.
    • Factor number Gets or sets the factor.
    • GroupType integer Gets or sets the type of the group.
    • Hours number Gets or sets the hours.
    • ID string Gets or sets the identifier.
    • IsCalendarEvent boolean Gets or sets if this is a calendar event
    • Minutes integer Gets or sets the minutes.
    • MonthlyPeriod string
    • StartTime string Gets or sets the start time.
    • TaskID integer Gets or sets the task identifier.
    • TimeTrackingFormat integer Gets or sets the time tracking format.
    • UserID integer Gets or sets the user identifier.
      "AdditionalComment": "",
      "Billable": false,
      "BillableHours": 0.0,
      "BillableMinutes": 0,
      "Comment": "",
      "Date": "2025-02-23T00:00:00+00:00",
      "EntityID": 0,
      "Factor": 0.0,
      "GroupType": 0,
      "Hours": 0.0,
      "ID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "IsCalendarEvent": false,
      "Minutes": 0,
      "MonthlyPeriod": "",
      "StartTime": "2025-02-23T00:00:00+00:00",
      "TaskID": 0,
      "TimeTrackingFormat": 0,
      "UserID": 0
  • version string The requested API version


  • [200] Time registration was created
  • [400] Invalid input model
  • [401] Invalid authentication token
  • [422] Business rules violation
  • [500] Time registration could not be created