POST Method Details for ValidateNewProject.
Validate new project created from template
https://app[x][account name]/api/v{version}/project/validate-create-from-template
project object Create project information
- AccountManagerID integer Gets or sets the account manager ID
- ContactID integer Gets or sets the contact person
- CurrencyID integer Gets or sets the currency ID
- CustomerID integer Gets or sets the customer ID
- DepartmentID integer Gets or sets the department ID
- Description string Gets or sets the description
- InvoicingCustomerReferenceID integer Gets or sets the Customer Reference ID on the projects invoicing settings
- LanguageID integer Gets or sets the language ID used for the invoice.
- LegalEntityID integer Gets or sets the legal entity ID
- Name string Gets or sets the project name
- PartnerID integer Gets or sets the partner ID
- ProjectCategoryID integer Gets or sets the project category ID
- ProjectEndDate string Gets or sets the end date of project
- ProjectManagerID integer Gets or sets the project manager ID
- ProjectNo string Gets or sets the project number
- ProjectStartDate string Gets or sets the start date of project
- ProjectTemplateID integer Gets or sets the project template ID
- ProjectTypeID integer Gets or sets the project type ID
- version string The requested API version
[200] OK
- AccountManagerID integer Gets or sets the account manager ID
- ContactID integer Gets or sets the contact person
- CurrencyID integer Gets or sets the currency ID
- CustomerID integer Gets or sets the customer ID
- DepartmentID integer Gets or sets the department ID
- Description string Gets or sets the description
- InvoicingCustomerReferenceID integer Gets or sets the Customer Reference ID on the projects invoicing settings
- LanguageID integer Gets or sets the language ID used for the invoice.
- LegalEntityID integer Gets or sets the legal entity ID
- Name string Gets or sets the project name
- PartnerID integer Gets or sets the partner ID
- ProjectCategoryID integer Gets or sets the project category ID
- ProjectEndDate string Gets or sets the end date of project
- ProjectManagerID integer Gets or sets the project manager ID
- ProjectNo string Gets or sets the project number
- ProjectStartDate string Gets or sets the start date of project
- ProjectTemplateID integer Gets or sets the project template ID
- ProjectTypeID integer Gets or sets the project type ID
- [401] Invalid authentication token
[500] Project could not be validated
- Code integer Gets the code.
- Details array Gets the details.
- DeveloperNote object
- Message string Gets the message.
- Parameters string Gets the parameters.
- Url string Gets the URL.