GET Method Details for GetByID.
Get the employee expense with the employee expense identifier
https://app[x][account name]/api/v{version}/employee-expense/{employeeExpenseID}
- employeeExpenseID integer Employee expense identifier
- version string The requested API version
[200] Employee Expense
- Amount number Gets or sets the amount.
- Comment string Gets or sets the comment.
- Currency object Gets or sets the currency.
- CurrencyID integer Gets or sets the currency identifier.
- Date string Gets or sets the date.
- EmployeeExpenseID integer Gets or sets the employee expense identifier.
- EmployeeUserID integer Gets or sets the employee user identifier.
- ExchangeRate number Gets or sets the exchange rate.
- ExpenseType object Gets or sets the type of the expense.
- ExpenseTypeID integer Gets or sets the expense type identifier.
- FileUrls array Gets or sets the all file attachments url
- HasReceiptPictures boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has receipt pictures.
- ImageUrls array Gets or sets the image urls. Does not contain urls for other file types
- IsBillable boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is billable.
- IsFileUrlLoaded boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is file URL loaded.
- IsImageUrlLoaded boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is image URL loaded.
- Number string Gets or sets the number.
- PaymentMethod object Gets or sets the payment method.
- PaymentMethodID integer Gets or sets the payment method identifier.
- Project object Gets or sets the project.
- ProjectID integer Gets or sets the project identifier.
- Status string Gets or sets the status value indicating whether this instance's status is Approved or still Pending.
- VatAmount number Gets or sets the vat amount.
- [401] Invalid authentication token
[500] Employee expense with the identifier does not exist
- Code integer Gets the code.
- Details array Gets the details.
- DeveloperNote object
- Message string Gets the message.
- Parameters string Gets the parameters.
- Url string Gets the URL.