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Method Details for GetWorkChangeLogPaged.

Gets a paged list of change logs related to work unit changes in a flat format including all details (if available). Note that this feed includes all changes and the change log is only available for the last 3 months.


  • startDate DateTime (yyyy-MM-dd) Start interval (DateTime - Note that the timestamp is ignored)
  • endDate DateTime (yyyy-MM-dd) End interval (DateTime - Note that the timestamp is ignored)
  • includeCreates Boolean A value indicating whether to include create-events in the result
  • includeUpdates Boolean A value indicating whether to include update-events in the result
  • includeDeletes Boolean A value indicating whether to include delete-events in the result
  • page Integer Page to get results from (int)
  • pageSize Integer Number of results per page. Max value: 500. (int)
  • token SecurityToken Security token associated with the request (SecurityToken)


A list of work units in a flat format


ApprovalStatus can have one of the following values:
- Time sheet open (0)
- Time sheet closed (10)
- Approved by project manager (20)
- Approved by department manager (30)